Tramadol stands as a synthetic opioid analgesic, utilized for pain management following fractures or soft tissue injuries. Additionally, it finds application in cancer treatment (specifically stages three and four) and post-surgical pain relief.

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Tramadol can be prescribed to patients aged 14 and above. The medication is available in the form of ampoules, rectal suppositories, and tablets. Rapid development of both mental and physical dependence characterizes Tramadol, leading to its classification as a controlled substance.

Effects on the Body

Tramadol, within therapeutic doses, exhibits no influence on the respiratory center, blood pressure, or consciousness. While temporary usage of Tramadol has been associated with reduced intestinal motility, it doesn't lead to constipation.

The drug's impact primarily targets the brain and spinal cord. Its mechanism involves activating sodium and potassium channels, stimulating opioid receptors, depressing the respiratory center, and decelerating heart rate.

Onset of action occurs within 15-20 minutes (with injections taking effect in 1-3 minutes). Tramadol binds to plasma proteins and undergoes hepatic metabolism, with partial excretion through the kidneys.

Tramadol operates by stimulating opioid receptors, impacting both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It facilitates the active transport of sodium and potassium ions within the spinal cord, subsequently diminishing pain impulse transmission through nerve fibers.

Moreover, Tramadol inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine in synapses, enabling its uniform distribution throughout the body. This culminates in reduced pain sensitivity and a calming effect on the patient.

Adverse Effects of Tramadol

Tramadol is capable of inducing adverse effects even within therapeutic ranges. At elevated doses, the medication can trigger the subsequent physical manifestations:

Gastrointestinal Tract: Nausea, dry mouth, abdominal discomfort, gastrointestinal disturbances, and flatulence.

Cardiovascular System: Heightened heart rate (tachycardia), abrupt blood pressure fluctuations, potential collapse, and instances of fainting.

Renal Function: Difficulty in urination, urinary retention (oliguria).

Reproductive Organs: Erectile dysfunction and irregularities in menstrual cycles.

Immune Response: Allergic reactions of varying degrees of severity, ranging from urticaria to anaphylactic shock.

Central Nervous System: Profuse sweating, dizziness, an unsteady gait, muscle spasms, seizures, and loss of coordination.

Miscellaneous: Breathlessness due to respiratory depression, headaches, intense restlessness.

The adverse effects stemming from Tramadol's usage are contingent on dosage: the greater the dose, the escalated likelihood of encountering unwanted reactions.

Undesirable Effects of Tramadol

Due to Tramadol's high potential for addiction, it can induce alterations in behavior among individuals with addiction tendencies. These responses vary among patients, but the most prevalent ones include:

  • Fluctuations in mood and memory impairment
  • Sleep disturbances and apathetic states.

Additional potential adverse effects encompass bloodshot eyes, constricted pupils, alterations in skin color, rash, instability in gait, and exaggerated hand movements.

Extended utilization of Tramadol may lead to deterioration of bone tissue, rendering bones fragile and prone to fractures. Prolonged Tramadol use over two years or more may foster the emergence of conditions such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, epilepsy, dementia, and other cognitive disorders.

In instances of Tramadol overdose, symptoms may encompass nausea, fainting, epileptic seizures, compromised vision, reduced heart rate, and breathlessness. In such scenarios, the patient necessitates detoxification, typically spanning several weeks.