Ambien, belonging to the imidazopyridine class of hypnotics, functions as a selective agonist targeting the omega-benzodiazepine receptor subclass. It exerts a sedative influence, maintaining this effect at standard dosages, without displaying anxiolytic, central muscle relaxant, or anticonvulsant properties.

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Ambien is recommended for:

Sleep disorders encompassing difficulties with sleep onset, early awakening, and nighttime awakenings.

Ambien Usage Restrictions

  • During episodes of acute and/or severe respiratory insufficiency.
  • In cases of severe acute or chronic liver impairment.
  • When experiencing night apnea, including anticipated instances.
  • For individuals with conditions linked to lactose presence: hereditary lactose intolerance, insufficient lactase enzyme, or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.
  • Throughout pregnancy.
  • During the lactation period.
  • In individuals under 18 years of age.
  • For those displaying heightened sensitivity to zolpidem or any other constituent of the medication.

Exercising Caution:

  • In cases of severe myasthenia gravis.
  • When facing respiratory insufficiency.
  • Among those with mild to moderate hepatic dysfunction.
  • In individuals with depression.
  • Among those dealing with alcoholism, substance dependence, or other addictive disorders.

Ambien Dosage Guidelines and Application Method

Administered orally, specifically before bedtime, in a singular dosage of 10 mg. For elderly or weakened patients, as well as individuals with impaired liver function, treatment initiation involves a 5 mg dose. If deemed necessary due to insufficient clinical response and considering favorable drug tolerance, the dosage may be escalated to 10 mg. The highest permissible daily dose is 10 mg. The treatment course should not extend beyond 4 weeks. For transient insomnia, the recommended treatment duration ranges from 2 to 5 days, while situational insomnia warrants a treatment period of 2 to 3 weeks. Concise treatment periods do not necessitate gradual cessation of the medication. In scenarios involving prolonged drug use, with the aim of mitigating the potential emergence of rebound insomnia, the discontinuation of zolpidem should occur in a gradual manner (commencing with a reduction in daily dosage followed by eventual cessation of the drug).

Adverse Effects

Ambien is generally well-tolerated.

The prevalence of adverse reactions is as follows: very common (more than 10%), common (more than 1% and less than 10%), uncommon (more than 0.1% and less than 1%), rare (more than 0.01% and less than 0.1%), very rare (less than 0.01%, including isolated cases), and frequency unknown (based on available data, frequency cannot be determined).

Nervous System: Commonly observed are drowsiness, a sense of intoxication, headache, dizziness, increased insomnia, anterograde amnesia (memory lapses possibly linked to behavioral reactions), with a risk that rises proportionally to the dosage, hallucinations, agitation, and nightmares. Less frequently encountered are confusion and irritability. The frequency is uncertain for impaired consciousness, dysphoria, aggressiveness, visual and auditory hallucinations, heightened excitability, behavioral reactions, somnambulism, drug dependence (even plausible with therapeutic doses), and withdrawal effects such as rebound or withdrawal insomnia. Additional occurrences encompass diminished libido, gait disturbances, ataxia, falls (predominantly in elderly patients), and drug habituation (sedation and hypnotic effect reduction after prolonged use). Notably, many psychological side effects exhibit paradoxical reactions.

Digestive System: Commonly observed are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The frequency is unknown for heightened liver enzyme activity.

Musculoskeletal System: The frequency is uncertain for muscle weakness.

Skin: The frequency is uncertain for rash, itching, urticaria, and excessive sweating. Allergic reactions may manifest as angioedema, and their frequency is unknown.

Other: Commonly experienced is a sensation of fatigue. Infrequently, diplopia (double vision) can occur.

Usage During Pregnancy and Lactation

The intake of this medication is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Usage in Cases of Impaired Liver Function

The use of this medication is contraindicated in instances of acute or chronic hepatic insufficiency.

Exercise caution when there's mild to moderate liver impairment. In cases of compromised liver function, treatment initiation should involve a 5 mg dose. If deemed necessary due to inadequate clinical response and favorable drug tolerance, the dosage can be escalated to 10 mg. The highest permissible daily dose is 10 mg. The treatment course should not exceed 4 weeks. For transient insomnia, the recommended treatment duration ranges from 2 to 5 days, while situational insomnia warrants a treatment period of 2 to 3 weeks.

Usage in Children

This medication should not be used in individuals under 18 years of age.